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Enhance your knowledge of atmosphere geography with our Best 100 GK MCQs. Prepare for exams with our free online resources. Start learning today!

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Atmosphere Geography : Best 90+ GK MCQ With Free Exam Geography SET :-10
Q1. A fragment of solid matter which enters the upper atmosphere from outer space almost disintegrating before reaching the earth’s surface is

(A) Meteorite
(B) Asteroid
(C) Meteor
(D) Comet

Q2. Which one of the following statements is correct ?

(A) Cirrus clouds are composed of ice crystals
(B) Cirrus clouds exhibit a flat base and have the appearance of rising domes
(C) Cumulus clouds are white and thin, and form delicate patches and give a fibrous and feathery appearance
(D) Cumulus clouds are classified as high clouds

Q3. Logically, what does a continually rising air pressure indicate ?
Q4. The instrument used for finding out wind-direction is __

(A) Anemometer
(B) Wind vane
(C) Wind gauze
(D) Hygrometer

Q5. Which one among the following statements relating to an anticyclone is correct ?

(A) Anticyclone is a wind system with a high pressure centre
(B) In anticyclone the movement of wind is inward
(C) The contribution of an anticyclone towards determining weather of an area is quite significant
(D) The movement of wind is clockwise in an anticyclone of southern hemisphere

Q6. Which one of the following is not a correct example of tropical cyclone ?

(A) Tornadoes
(B) Typhoons
(C) Hurricanes
(D) Nor westers

Q7. Increase in carbon dioxide in atmosphere causes __

(A) Rise in earth temperature
(B) Fall in earth temperature
(C) Uniform earth temperature
(D) Increase in Ultraviolet rays

Q8. Heat gain through insolation and heat loss through terrestrial radiation are equal approximately at which latitude ?

(A) 22° W North and South
(B) 40° North and South
(C) 90° North and South
(D) 66° W North and South

Q9. The cauliflower shape is associated with which of the following cloud formations ?

(A) Stratus
(B) Cumulus
(C) Nimbus
(D) Cirrus

Q10. Smog is likely to occur __

(A) Around valleys
(B) Near lakes
(C) On calm, clear and cool nights
(D) Near the industrial areas

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