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Best 100 General Knowledge Question MCQ For Free Exam Class 1,2,3 SET:-4

Q1. Earth completes one rotation in approximately __ hours.

(A) 6
(B) 12
(C) 24
(D) 36

Q2. The rotation of Earth happens when __.

(A) The Earth orbits around the moon
(B) The Earth orbits around the sun
(C) The Earth spins on its axis
(D) The sun orbits around the Earth

Q3. __ of Earth results in the change of seasons.
Q4. _ gas is in most abundance on the Earth.

(A) Carbon Dioxide
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Oxygen

Q5. Which is the closest star to Earth ?

(A) Alpha Centauri A
(B) Moon
(C) Proxima Centauri
(D) Sun

Q6. Which galaxy are our Earth and solar system a part of ?

(A) Andromeda Galaxy
(B) Black Eye Galaxy
(C) Milky Way
(D) Whirlpool Galaxy

Q7. _ causes the alteration in the length of shadows on Earth.

(A) Blockage of Earth by the moon
(B) Earth’s revolution
(C) Earth’s rotation
(D) Movement of the sun

Q8. In which season is Earth closest to the sun ?

(A) Summer
(B) Winter
(C) Spring
(D) Autumn

Q9. How many planets do we have in our solar system including Earth ?

(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 6
(D) 8

Q10. Which planet is closest to the Earth ?

(A) Jupiter
(B) Mercury
(C) Saturn
(D) Venus

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