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Explore the world of Hydrosphere Geography with our top 100 GK MCQs. Prepare for exams with our free resources and test your knowledge today!

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Hydrosphere Geography : Top 100 GK MCQ With Free Exam Geography SET :-11
Q1. Which of the following ocean current is not found in Atlantic ocean ?

(A) Brazilian Stream
(B) Gulf Stream
(C) Peru Current
(D) Canary Current

Q2. Which of the following features is not formed by running water ?

(A) Valleys
(B) Tunnels
(C) Gorges
(D) Canyons

Q3. Rivers in “Annular” pattern flow in which direction ?
Q4. Which is the longest current known as “Black Current” due to its black colour ?

(A) Gulf Stream
(B) Kuroshio
(C) California Current
(D) Antarctica Current

Q5. To which of the following, Grand Bank and Dogger Bank are related ?

(A) Tidal power plants
(B) Main fish catching zone
(C) Scuba diving
(D) Shipping

Q6. Which among the following currents is produced by upwelling of water off the coast of Chile and Peru ?

(A) Canarie Current
(B) Humboldt Current
(C) Benguela Current
(D) Kuroshio Current

Q7. The Atlantic Ocean routes are busier than the Pacific Ocean routes because Atlantic Ocean __

(A) Routes are shorter
(B) Routes are not so dangerous
(C) Is surrounded on both sides by industrialised nations
(D) Has better shipping facilities

Q8. Victoria Falls in Africa are located on __

(A) River Niger
(B) River Congo
(C) River Zambezi
(D) River Nile

Q9. Hawaiian islands are located in __

(A) North Atlantic Ocean
(B) South Atlantic Ocean
(C) North Pacific Ocean
(D) South Pacific Ocean

Q10. The Marine cliffs are formed mainly due to

(A) Ocean Currents
(B) Structure of Shall
(C) Coast of Sea
(D) Depth of The Ocean

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