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The Indian Evidence Act Law is a comprehensive legal framework that governs the admissibility, relevance, and weight of evidence in Indian courts.

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Indian Evidence Act Law 100 GK MCQ SET:-1

Q1. Which one of the following statements is not correct ?

(A) Dying declaration may be oral or in writing
(B) Where there are two or more dying declarations in a case, there must be similarity of contents between them
(C) First Information Report recorded under Section 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973, may be admitted as dying declaration
(D) Statement of dying declaration cannot be recorded by a police officer

Q2. Which one of the following is not correctly matched ?

(A) Child witness ⇔ Section 118
(B) Dumb witness ⇔ Section 120
(C) Hostile witness ⇔ Section 154
(D) Expert witness ⇔ Section 45

Q3. Which one of the following sections of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 has been inserted by the Dowry Prohibition (Amendment) Act, 1986
Q4. For the admissibility of a dying declaration, it is not necessary that the statement:

(A) Relates to cause of death
(B) The person making the statement must be under expectation of death
(C) The person making the statement must be competent
(D) The statement must be complete

Q5. Section 133 of the Indian Evidence Act is related to

(A) Number of witnesses
(B) Accomplice
(C) Oral evidence
(D) Relevancy of facts

Q6. Which Section of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 deals only with civil matters ?

(A) Section-23
(B) Section-27
(C) Section-53
(D) Section-133

Q7. Section 27 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, permits the use of discovery evidence, which lays down strictly as to how much of the information contained in the statement of the accused is made admissible. Which one of the following information is relevant under this Section ?

(A) That relates to only the place of occurrence
(B) That relates to nature of the object
(C) That relates to the past user of the object
(D) Information given by the accused, as relates distinctly to the fact thereby discovered

Q8. The privilege to withhold the documents/information under the administrative law is enacted in which of the following Sections of the Evidence Act ?

(A) Section 120
(B) Section 126
(C) Section 123
(D) Section 98

Q9. ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘D’ never saw ‘A’ writing. But they give their opinion about the handwriting of ‘A’. The opinion of which one is relevant ?

(A) Of ‘B’, because ‘B’ is a merchant in Delhi. ‘A’ has written many letters addressed to ‘B’
(B) Of ‘C’ because ‘C’ is a clerk of ‘A’ ‘C’s duty was to examineand file A’s correspondence
(C) Of ‘D’ because ‘D’ is Z’s broker to whom Z habitually submitted the letters purporting to Bwritten by ‘A’ for the purpose of his advice
(D) Of all the above

Q10. Which section of the Indian Evidence Act protects communication during marriage ?

(A) Section 122
(B) Section 123
(C) Section 124
(D) Section 125

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