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Directions- Select the wrongly spelt word.
Q1. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(A) Excess
(B) Discriminatory
(C) Supportors
(D) Inclusion

Answer: Supportors

Explanation: c)Supporters Excess:- too much of something Discriminatory:- unfair Inclusion:- the state of being included

Q2. Select the correctly spelt word.

(A) Welth
(B) Wimper
(C) Wisdum
(D) Witness

Answer: Witness

Explanation: d)Witness Correct spellings are:-Whimper, Wealth, Wisdom Whimper- to cry softly,

Q3. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Tumulttous
(B) Belligerent
(C) Pharmaceutical
(D) Trousseau

Answer: Tumulttous

Explanation: a) Tumultuous Belligerent:- unfriendly and aggressive Trousseau:- Bride’s cloth

Q4. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(A) Marriage
(B) Symphony
(C) Intriging
(D) Separate

Answer: Intriging

Explanation: c)Intriguing Symphony:- a long piece of music written for a large orchestra Intriguing:- to make somebody very interested and wanting to know more

Q5. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(A) Grammer
(B) Permanent
(C) Allegation
(D) Disapprove

Answer: Grammer

Explanation: a)Grammar Allegation:- a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong

Q6. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(A) Changeable
(B) Insignificant
(C) Unsustainable
(D) Immpending

Answer: Immpending

Explanation: d)Impending Impending:- about to happen Insignificant:- (of a person) without power or influence

Q7. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(A) Succulent
(B) Succumb
(C) Surender
(D) Success

Answer: Surender

Explanation: c)Surrender Succulent:- tender, juicy, and tasty. Succumb:- die from the effect of a disease or injury.

Q8. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(A) Embodiment
(B) Discriminiation
(C) Corruption
(D) Identification

Answer: Discriminiation

Explanation: b) Discrimination:- the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people Corruption:- dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power Identification:- the action or process of identifying someone

Q9. Select the correctly spelt word.

(A) Frequensy
(B) Acquirum
(C) Secquence
(D) Bouquet

Answer: Bouquet

Explanation: d)Bouquet Correct spellings are: Frequency:- the fact or state of being frequent or happening often. Aquarium:- a transparent tank of water in which live fish and other water creatures and plants are kept. Sequence:- a particular order in which related things follow each other. Bouquet:- an attractively arranged bunch of flowers,

Q10. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Provision
(B) Promote
(C) Attacked
(D) Clearify

Answer: Clearify

Explanation: d)Clarify Provision:- the action of providing or supplying something for use.

Q11. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Interfear
(B) Selection
(C) Electorate
(D) Acrimony

Answer: Interfear

Explanation: a)Interfere Acrimony:- bitterness or ill feeling.

Q12. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Escalation
(B) Irritable
(C) Appreciation
(D) Irational

Answer: Irational

Explanation: d)Irrational Escalation:- a rapid increase; a rise. Appreciation:- recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.

Q13. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Suppression
(B) Implicatted
(C) Coercion
(D) Pressurised

Answer: Implicatted

Explanation: b)Implicated Implicated:- show (someone) to be involved in a crime. Suppression:- Defeat, conquering Coercion:- the practice of persuading someone to do something by using force or threats.

Q14. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Immediate
(B) Amass
(C) Messanger
(D) Massage

Answer: Messanger

Explanation: c)Messenger Amass:- gather together in a crowd or group.

Q15. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Dimention
(B) Jostle
(C) Ideology
(D) Illiterate

Answer: Dimention

Explanation: a)Dimension Jostle:- struggle or compete forcefully for.

Q16. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Balloon
(B) Adulteration
(C) Irritant
(D) Bunglow

Answer: Bunglow

Explanation: d)Bungalow Bungalow-a house that is all on one level, without stairs Adulteration-the action of making something poorer in quality by the addition of another substance. Irritant-a substance that makes part of your body painful or sore

Q17. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Distance
(B) Arguement
(C) Commitment
(D) Existence

Answer: Arguement

Explanation: b)Argument Argument-an angry discussion between two or more people who disagree with each other Commitment-Being prepared to give a lot of your time and attention to something because you believe it is right or important. Existence-the fact or state of living or having objective reality.

Q18. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Alligator
(B) Privilage
(C) Alimony
(D) Judicious

Answer: Privilage

Explanation: b)Privilege Privilege-something regarded as a special honour. Alligator-a large reptile with a long tail and a big mouth with sharp teeth. Alligators live in the lakes and rivers of America and China. Alimony-money that you have to pay by law to your former wife or husband after getting divorced Judicious- sensible and carefully considered; showing good judgement(used about a decision or an action)

Q19. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Changable
(B) Mileage
(C) Arrangement
(D) Practice

Answer: Changable

Explanation: a)Changeable Changeable-able to be changed or exchanged. Mileage-a number of miles travelled or covered.

Q20. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Disposeable
(B) Harass
(C) Heavenly
(D) Advisable

Answer: Disposeable

Explanation: a)Disposable. Disposable-made to be thrown away after being used once or for a short time Harass-to annoy or worry somebody by doing unpleasant things to him/her, especially over a long time Heavenly-connected with heaven or the sky Advisable-sensible

Q21. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Equivalent
(B) Unsurpassable
(C) Imigration
(D) Inadvertent

Answer: Imigration

Explanation: c)Immigration Equivalent-equal in value, amount, function, meaning, etc. Unsurpassable- not able to be exceeded in quality or degree. Immigration-the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. Inadvertent-not resulting from or achieved through deliberate planning.

Q22. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Tedious
(B) Rebelleous
(C) Advantageous
(D) Victorious

Answer: Rebelleous

Explanation: b)Rebellious Tedious- tiresome or monotonous. Rebellious-showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention. Advantageous-involving or creating favourable circumstances that increase the chances of success or effectiveness; beneficial. Victorious-having won a victory; triumphant.

Q23. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Irrilegious
(B) Irrelevant
(C) Irritable
(D) Irrigate

Answer: Irrilegious

Explanation: a)Irreligious Irreligious-having no religious beliefs. Irrelevant-not connected with or relevant to something. Irritable-having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed. Irrigate-supply water to (land or crops) to help growth, typically by means of channel

Q24. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Vicious
(B) Deliceous
(C) Courageous
(D) Obvious

Answer: Deliceous

Explanation: b)Delicious Vicious-deliberately cruel or violent. Delicious-highly pleasant to the taste Courageous-not deterred by danger or pain; brave. Obvious-easily perceived or understood

Q25. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Irreverent
(B) Irregular
(C) Irradicate
(D) Irrational

Answer: Irradicate

Explanation: c)Eradicate Irreverent-showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously. Irregular-not even or balanced in shape or arrangement. Eradicate-destroy completely Irrational-not logical or reasonable.

Q26. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Gallop
(B) Galley
(C) Gallary
(D) Gallant

Answer: Gallary

Explanation: c)Gallery Gallop- to go at the fastest speed(used about a horse or a rider) Galley-a long flat ship with sails, especially one used by the ancient Greeks or Romans in war, which was usually rowed by criminals or slaves Gallery-a building or room where works of art are shown to the public Gallant-(of a person or their behaviour) brave; heroic.

Q27. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Ambiteous
(B) Curious
(C) Serious
(D) Gorgeous

Answer: Ambiteous

Explanation: a)Ambitious-Having a strong desire to be successful, to have power, etc. Curious-eager to know or learn something. Serious-demanding or characterized by careful consideration or application. Gorgeous-very pleasant or enjoyable.

Q28. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Unpretensious
(B) Excellence
(C) Recurrent
(D) Dilemma

Answer: Unpretensious

Explanation: a) Unpretentious-not attempting to impress others with an appearance of greater importance, talent, or culture than is actually possessed. Excellence-the quality of being outstanding or extremely good. Recurrent-occurring often or repeatedly. Dilemma-a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially ones that are equally undesirable.

Q29. Select the correctly spelt word.

(A) Recquirement
(B) Exquiste
(C) Acquaintance
(D) Squirrell

Answer: Acquaintance

Explanation: c) Acquaintance-knowledge or experience of something. Requirement-a thing that is needed or wanted. Exquisite-extremely beautiful and delicate. Squirrel-a small red or grey animal with a long thick tail that lives in trees and eats nuts

Q30. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Voracous
(B) Video
(C) Valour
(D) Voluntary

Answer: Voracous

Explanation: a) Voracious-wanting or devouring great quantities of food. Valour-great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. Voluntary-done, given, or acting of one’s own free will.

Q31. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Concussion
(B) Conveyance
(C) Conviencing
(D) Commemorate

Answer: Conviencing

Explanation: c) Convincing Convincing-capable of causing someone to believe that something is true or real. Concussion-temporary unconsciousness or confusion caused by a blow on the head. Commemorate-recall and show respect for (someone or something).

Q32. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Deterrent
(B) Irreverant
(C) Different
(D) Transparent

Answer: Irreverant

Explanation: b)Irreverent Deterrent-something that deters people from doing something Irreverent -showing a lack of respect for people or things that are generally taken seriously. Transparent:- allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen.

Q33. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Circueteous
(B) Delicious
(C) Momentous
(D) Courteous

Answer: Circueteous

Explanation: a)Circuitous – longer than the most direct way(of a route or journey). Delicious-highly pleasant to the taste. Momentous-of great importance or significance. Courteous-polite, respectful, or considerate in manner.

Q34. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Preamble
(B) Pnemonia
(C) Miscellaneous
(D) Deviation

Answer: Pnemonia

Explanation: b)pneumonia Preamble-A preliminary or preparatory statement. Pneumonia- a type of disease. Miscellaneous-Of various types. Deviation-A difference from what is normal or expected

Q35. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Conscentious
(B) Constraint
(C) Resultant
(D) Expanse

Answer: Conscentious

Explanation: a) conscientious-Careful to do something correctly and well Constraint-Something that limits you Resultant-Produced as a result of something Expanse-A large open area (of land, sea, sky, etc.)

Q36. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Privilige
(B) Mileage
(C) Gait
(D) Truism

Answer: Privilige

Explanation: a)privilege. Privilege-A special right or advantage that only one person or group has. Mileage-the distance that has been travelled, measured in miles Gait-The way that somebody/something walks. Truism-A statement that is so obviously true that it is almost not worth saying.

Q37. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Diferently
(B) Accidentally
(C) Evidently
(D) Prudently

Answer: Diferently

Explanation: a)differently. Differently-In a way that is not the same Accidentally-By chance or by mistake\e Evidently- That can be easily seen or undes risks.

Q38. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Profuse
(B) Protrude
(C) Profesional
(D) Professor

Answer: Profesional

Explanation: c)professional Profuse-Given or produced in great quantity. Protrude-To stick out from or through something:

Q39. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Flower
(B) Flour
(C) Flevor
(D) Floor

Answer: Flevor

Explanation: c)flavour

Q40. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Migrant
(B) Precedent
(C) Permanant
(D) Adamant

Answer: Permanant

Explanation: c)permanent Migrant-A person who moves from one place to another, especially in order to find work or better living conditions. Precedent-A previous action, situation, or decision that can be used as a reason or example for a similar action or decision at a later time. Adamant- Unwilling to change an opinion or decision.

Q41. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Advisible
(B) Invisible
(C) Capable
(D) Irritable

Answer: Advisible

Explanation: a)Correct spelling :advisable. Invisible-That can not be seen. capable-Having the ability or qualities necessary to do something Irritable-Becoming angry easily.

Q42. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Liason
(B) Magisterial
(C) Maintain
(D) Jurist

Answer: Liason

Explanation: a)Correct spelling :liaison Liaison-Communication between two or more people or groups that work together. Magisterial-Having or seeming to have power or authority.(especially of a person or their behaviour) Jurist-A person who is an expert in law.

Q43. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Syllabi
(B) Aggravate
(C) Zoologist
(D) Luxurient

Answer: Luxurient

Explanation: d)Correct spelling :luxuriant Syllabi- Plural form of syllabus. Aggravate-To make something worse or more serious. Zoologist-One who studies animals. Luxuriant-Growing thickly and strongly in an attractive way.

Q44. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Quantity
(B) Argument
(C) Quarrell
(D) Aisle

Answer: Quarrell

Explanation: c)Correct spelling :quarrel Quantity-A number or amount of something. Argument-An angry discussion between two or more people. Quarrel- An angry argument or disagreement. Aisle-A passage between the rows of seats in a church, theatre, etc.

Q45. Select the Wrongly spelt word.

(A) Extempore
(B) Expidition
(C) Experiment
(D) Extinct

Answer: Expidition

Explanation: b)Correct spelling :expedition Extempore-Spoken, done, or written without any prior preparation or thought. Expedition-A long journey for a special purpose. Experiment-A scientific test that is done in order to get proof of something or new knowledge. Extinct- No longer existing(used about a type of animal, plant, etc.)

Q46. Select the correctly spelt word.

(A) Vizibility
(B) Piety
(C) Certanity
(D) Notoreity

Answer: Piety

Explanation: b)The correct spellings are:- visibility, certainty, notoriety. Visibility-The quality or state of being visible. Piety-A way of behaving that shows a deep respect for God and religion. Certainty-Something that is sure to happen. Notoriety-The state of being well known for something bad.

Q47. Select the correctly spelt word.

(A) Contemptuous
(B) Aggresive
(C) Inseckts
(D) Biscits

Answer: Contemptuous

Explanation: a)The correct spellings are:- aggressive, insects, biscuits. Contemptuous- Feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval. Aggressive-Ready or likely to fight or argue. Insects-A small animal with six legs, two pairs of wings and a body which is divided into three parts.

Q48. Select the correctly spelt word.

(A) Ascertain
(B) Denounce
(C) Systemetic
(D) Combination

Answer: Systemetic

Explanation: c)Correct spelling :systematic. Ascertain-To find something out. Denounce-To find something out Systematic-Done using a fixed plan or method. Combination-A number of people or things mixed or joined together.

Q49. Select the correctly spelt word.

(A) Capricious
(B) Ecstacy
(C) Complasent
(D) Avalaunche

Answer: Capricious

Explanation: a)The correct spellings are:- ecstasy, complacent, avalanche. Capricious-changing behaviour suddenly in a way that is difficult to predict. Ecstasy-An overwhelming feeling of great happiness. Complacent-Feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you feel you do not need to try any harder. Avalanche-A very large amount of snow that slides quickly down the side of a mountain.

Q50. Select the wrongly spelt word.

(A) Valediction
(B) Conviction
(C) Defenition
(D) Selection

Answer: Defenition

Explanation: c)Correct spelling :definition. Valediction-The act of saying goodbye, especially by making a formal speech. Conviction-A strong belief or opinion. Definition-to express, show or have as a meaning.

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