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Misspelt SSC MTS 50 MCQ SET:-1
Directions- Select the wrongly spelt word.
Q1. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) capacity
(B) ablity
(C) pupil
(D) teacher
Answer: ablity
Explanation: b)Ability Pupil:- a person who is taught by another, especially a schoolchild or student in relation to a teacher.
Q2. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) exprimant
(B) sediment
(C) occurring
(D) umbrella
Answer: exprimant
Explanation: a)Experiment Sediment -matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid
Q3. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) presure
(B) electric
(C) central
(D) irrigation
Answer: presure
Explanation: a)Pressure Irrigation:- the supply of water to land or crops to help growth
Q4. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) optsion
(B) easier
(C) difficult
(D) supporting
Answer: optsion
Explanation: a) Option
Q5. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) brakes
(B) refrence
(C) beaker
(D) solution
Answer: refrence
Explanation: b) Reference
Q6. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) implore
(B) unique
(C) impeach
(D) userp
Answer: userp
Explanation: d)Usurp Implore:- beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something. Impeach:- (especially in the US) charge (the holder of a public office) with misconduct. Usurp:- take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
Q7. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) lustrous
(B) enigmatic
(C) dilemma
(D) succint
Answer: succint
Explanation: d)Succinct lustrous:- having lustre; shining. enigmatic:- difficult to interpret or understand; mysterious. dilemma:- a difficult situation or problem. Succinct:- briefly and clearly expressed.
Q8. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) spectacles
(B) superceed
(C) acquaint
(D) restaurant
Answer: superceed
Explanation: b)Supersede Spectacles:- a pair of glasses. Acquaint:- make someone aware of or familiar with.
Q9. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) virtually
(B) immediately
(C) eventually
(D) infinitly
Answer: infinitly
Explanation: d) Infinitely Virtually:- nearly; almost.
Q10. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) dependent
(B) separate
(C) existance
(D) proceed
Answer: existance
Explanation: )Existence
Q11. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) momentery
(B) momentary
(C) mommentary
(D) momentory
Answer: momentary
Explanation: b)Momentary Momentary:- lasting for a very short time
Q12. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) wengence
(B) vengance
(C) vengeance
(D) wengeance
Answer: vengeance
Explanation: cVengeance Vengeance:- the act of punishing or harming somebody in return for something bad he/she has done to you
Q13. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) bemoan
(B) beseige
(C) beguile
(D) bereave
Answer: beseige
Explanation: b)Besiege Besiege:- to surround a place with an army Bemoan:- to regard with displeasure Beguile:- charm or enchant (someone), often in a deceptive way. Bereave:- be deprived of a close relation or friend through their death.
Q14. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) pursue
(B) tyrrany
(C) resistance
(D) vicious
Answer: tyrrany
Explanation: b)Tyranny Resistance:- the power in a person’s body not to be affected by disease Vicious:- cruel; done in order to hurt somebody/something
Q15. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) comosion
(B) commotion
(C) cammosion
(D) camotion
Answer: commotion
Explanation: b) Commotion (correct):- great noise or excitement
Q16. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) recommend
(B) reccommend
(C) recomend
(D) recommened
Answer: recommend
Explanation: a)Recommend:- to tell somebody what you strongly believe he/she should do
Q17. Select the correctly spelt word
(A) bouquet
(B) bouckey
(C) bookay
(D) bowquet
Answer: bouquet
Explanation: a)Bouquet
Q18. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) adjourn
(B) etiquette
(C) inimical
(D) afiliate
Answer: afiliate
Explanation: d)Affiliate Affiliate:- to connect an organization to a larger organization Adjourn:- to stop a meeting, a trial, etc. for a short time and start it again later Etiquette:- the rules of polite and correct behaviour Inimical:- not friendly, hostile
Q19. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) ingenuity
(B) committee
(C) neglegible
(D) jeopardy
Answer: neglegible
Explanation: c)Negligible Ingenuity:- the quality of being clever, original, and inventive. Jeopardy:- danger of loss, harm, or failure.
Q20. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) rightious
(B) righteous
(C) richeous
(D) riteous
Answer: righteous
Explanation: b)Righteous Righteous:- morally right or justifiable.
Q21. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) cursory
(B) custody
(C) custom
(D) curtesy
Answer: curtesy
Explanation: d)Courtesy Courtesy:- the showing of politeness in one’s attitude and behaviour towards others. Cursory:- hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed.
Q22. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) olfactory
(B) laboratary
(C) elementary
(D) boundary
Answer: laboratary
Explanation: b)laboratory Olfactory:- relating to the sense of smell.
Q23. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) migrent
(B) migraine
(C) militant
(D) midget
Answer: migrent
Explanation: a)Migrant Migrant:- a person who moves from one place to another,
Q24. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) decibel
(B) decieve
(C) decency
(D) decrease
Answer: decieve
Explanation: b)Deceive
Q25. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) fascism
(B) fastedious
(C) fashion
(D) fascination
Answer: fastedious
Explanation: b)Fastidious Fastidious:- very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.
Q26. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) ommission
(B) occurred
(C) accommodate
(D) Oppressed
Answer: ommission
Explanation: a)Omission Omission:- a person or thing that has been left out or excluded. Accommodate:- fit in with the wishes or needs of. Oppressed:- subject to harsh and authoritarian treatment.
Q27. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) riegn
(B) relieve
(C) deceive
(D) Pierce
Answer: riegn
Explanation: a)Reign:- hold royal office; rule as monarch. Relieve:- cause (pain, distress, or difficulty) to become less severe or serious. Pierce:- (of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something).
Q28. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) irritible
(B) earnest
(C) enmity
(D) Gallery
Answer: irritible
Explanation: a)Irritable
Q29. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) millionaire
(B) magnificient
(C) mediocre
(D) Miraculous
Answer: magnificient
Explanation: b)Magnificent-extreme ly beautiful, elaborate, or impressive. Mediocre:- of only average quality; not very good. Miraculous:- remarkable and bringing very welcome consequences.
Q30. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) cautious
(B) carriage
(C) descent
(D) Explotion
Answer: Explotion
Explanation: d)Explosion Cautious:- careful to avoid potential problems or dangers. Carriage:- any of the separate sections of a train that carry passengers. Descent:- an act of moving downwards, dropping, or falling. Explosion:- a violent shattering or blowing apart of something, as is caused by a bomb.
Q31. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) parellel
(B) parrallel
(C) perallel
(D) parallel
Answer: parallel
Explanation: d)Parallel
Q32. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) contemporary
(B) contemporery
(C) contemperary
(D) contamporary
Answer: contemporary
Explanation: a)‘Contemporary’ Contemporary:- living or occurring at the same time.
Q33. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) battalion
(B) battallion
(C) batalion
(D) batallion
Answer: battalion
Explanation: a)Battalion
Q34. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) strech
(B) sense
(C) swallow
(D) survey
Answer: strech
Explanation: a)Stretch Swallow:- put up with or meekly accept (something unwelcome).
Q35. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) partner
(B) florish
(C) slander
(D) approach
Answer: florish
Explanation: b)Flourish Slander:- a false and malicious spoken statement.
Q36. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) conjure
(B) foreiner
(C) intrigue
(D) summon
Answer: foreiner
Explanation: b)Foreigner Conjure:- cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a magic ritual. Intrigue:- arouse the curiosity or interest of; fascinate. Summon:- order (someone) to be present.
Q37. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Frantick
(B) Comparison
(C) Eminent
(D) Estimate
Answer: Frantick
Explanation: aFrantic Frantic:- distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion. Eminent:- present to a notable degree.
Q38. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Arrivel
(B) Release
(C) Obscure
(D) Plight
Answer: Arrivel
Explanation: a) Arrival Obscure:- not important or well known.
Q39. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Souvenir
(B) Paltry
(C) Thwart
(D) Afliction
Answer: Afliction
Explanation: d)Affliction Souvenir:- a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event. Paltry:- (of an amount) very small or meagre. Thwart:- prevent (someone) from accomplishing something. Affliction:- a cause of pain or harm.
Q40. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Unrul
(B) Unduly
(C) Faithfuly
(D) Awfully
Answer: Faithfuly
Explanation: c) Faithfully Unruly:- disorderly and disruptive and not amenable to discipline or control. Unduly:- to an unwarranted degree; inordinately. Excessively Faithfuly:- in a loyal manner. Awfully:- very badly or unpleasantly.
Q41. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Beggarly
(B) Jocularly
(C) Sincearly
(D) Popularly
Answer: Sincearly
Explanation: c) Sincerely Beggarly- pitifully or deplorably meagre or bad. Sincerely:- in a sincere or genuine way Popularly:- by many or most people; generally.
Q42. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Ambasador
(B) Judiciary
(C) Appreciate
(D) Virtual
Answer: Ambasador
Explanation: a)ambassador.
Q43. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Resettlement
(B) Embarassment
(C) Announcement
(D) Undergarment
Answer: Embarassment
Explanation: b) embarrassment.
Q44. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Subtle
(B) Esteem
(C) Mimic
(D) Respectfull
Answer: Respectfull
Explanation: d)Respectful
Q45. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Providance
(B) Fixation
(C) Consequence
(D) Musician
Answer: Providance
Explanation: a) Providence:- God or a force that is believed to have control over our lives and the things that happen to us in a way that protects us
Q46. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Business
(B) Fattening
(C) Dessert
(D) Decieve
Answer: Decieve
Explanation: d) deceive which means to trick someone. Dessert:- something sweet that is eaten after the main part of a meal
Q47. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Beginning
(B) Accomodate
(C) Quizzes
(D) Acceptable
Answer: Accomodate
Explanation: b) accommodate. which means to provide lodging or sufficient space for stay Acceptable:- that can be allowed
Q48. Select the wrongly spelt word
(A) Rogue
(B) Boutique
(C) Placque
(D) Lacquer
Answer: Placque
Explanation: c)Plaque Boutique- a small shop that sells fashionable clothes or expensive presents Lacquer- a type of transparent paint that is put on wood
Q49. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) Intention
(B) Transishion
(C) Injecshun
(D) Fassion
Answer: Intention
Explanation: a)Intention Correct spellings are:-Transition, Injection, Fashion Intention:- a plan or purpose Transition:- a change from one state or form to another
Q50. Select the correctly spelt word.
(A) Restaurent
(B) Memmoir
(C) Business
(D) Studiuous
Answer: Business
Explanation: c)Business Correct spellings are:-Restaurant, Memoire, Studious Memoire:- a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge.