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Instruction: Select the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word.

(A) indifferent
(B) harmless
(C) innocent
(D) harmful

Answer: harmful

Explanation: Harmful- causing harm Innocuous- not meant to cause harm or upset somebody Indifferent- not interested in or care about somebody/something Harmless- not able or not likely to cause damage or injury Innocent- not having done wrong


(A) Cruel
(B) Strict
(C) Harsh
(D) Mild

Answer: Mild

Explanation: Mild – not strong, not very bad Severe – extremely bad or serious Cruel – causing physical or mental pain or suffering to somebody/something Strict – not allowing people to break rules or behave badly Harsh – very strict and unkind


(A) validate
(B) confirm
(C) oppose
(D) verify

Answer: oppose

Explanation: Oppose- to disagree with somebody’s beliefs, actions, or plans Corroborate- to support a statement, idea, etc. Validate- to show that something is true Confirm- to say or show that something is true or correct, Verify- to check or state that something is true

Q4. Intrepid

(A) Unemotional
(B) Sentimental
(C) Responsive
(D) Cowardly

Answer: Cowardly

Explanation: Cowardly- in a way that is not at all brave Intrepid- without any fear of danger . Unemotional- not having or showing strong feelings Sentimental- producing or connected with emotions Responsive- paying attention to somebody/something


(A) pointless
(B) dull
(C) sharp
(D) round

Answer: sharp

Explanation: Sharp- having a very thin but strong edge or point Blunt- without a sharp edge or point Pointless- without a sharp edge or point Dull- not interesting or exciting


(A) clean
(B) beautiful
(C) opaque
(D) shining

Answer: opaque

Explanation: Opaque- that you cannot see through Transparent- that you can see through Shining- to send out or to send back (reflect) light


(A) sufficient
(B) scares
(C) deficient
(D) scanty

Answer: sufficient

Explanation: Sufficient- as much as is necessary; enough Meagre- too small in amount Scares- to make a person or an animal frightened Deficient- not having enough of something Scanty- too small in size or amount


(A) watchful
(B) pleasant
(C) dreary
(D) frightening

Answer: pleasant

Explanation: Pleasant- nice, enjoyable Horrendous- very bad or unpleasant Watchful- careful to notice things Dreary- not at all interesting or attractive; boring Frightening- making you feel afraid or shocked


(A) disturb
(B) convert
(C) pollute
(D) cleanse

Answer: cleanse

Explanation: Cleanse- to clean your skin or a wound Contaminate- to add a substance that will make something dirty or harmful Convert- to change from one form, system, or use to another Pollute- to make air, rivers, etc. dirty and dangerous

Q10. Transparent

(A) Clear
(B) Opaque
(C) Shy
(D) Superficial

Answer: Opaque

Explanation: Opaque- that you cannot see through Transparent- that you can see through Shy- nervous and uncomfortable Superficial- not studying or thinking about something in a deep or complete way


(A) biting
(B) sour
(C) mild
(D) sharp

Answer: mild

Explanation: Mild- not strong Pungent- very strong Biting- to cut or attack somebody/something with your teeth Sour- having a sharp taste like that of a lemon Sharp- very great and sudden


(A) exorbitant
(B) irrational
(C) disproportionate
(D) reasonable

Answer: reasonable

Explanation: Reasonable- acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation Inordinate- much greater than usual or expected Exorbitant- much more expensive than it should be Irrational- not based on reason or clear thought Disproportionate- too large or too small when compared to something else

Q13. Bland

(A) Exciting
(B) Weak
(C) Boring
(D) Flimsy

Answer: Exciting

Explanation: Exciting- causing strong feelings of pleasure and interest Bland- ordinary or not very interesting Flimsy- easily broken or torn

Q14. Pernicious

(A) Malcontent
(B) Malicious
(C) Nefarious
(D) Beneficial

Answer: Beneficial

Explanation: Beneficial- having a good or useful effect Pernicious- having a very harmful or evil effect Malcontent- a person who is not satisfied Malicious- intending to cause harm Nefarious- criminal or immoral


(A) genuine
(B) artificial
(C) counterfeit
(D) phony

Answer: genuine

Explanation: Genuine- real, true Spurious- fake Artificial/Counterfeit- not genuine Phony- not real

Q16. Hazy

(A) Soft
(B) Clear
(C) Dim
(D) Faint

Answer: Clear

Explanation: Hazy- not clear Dim- not bright or easy to see Faint- not strong or clear

Q17. Malicious

(A) Culpable
(B) Decent
(C) Perverted
(D) Biased

Answer: Decent

Explanation: Decent- honest and fair, treating people with respect Malicious- intending to cause harm Culpable- responsible for something bad that has happened Perverted- to change a system, process, etc. in a bad way Biased- a particular tendency, trend, feeling especially one that is preconceived or unreasoned

Q18. Resign

(A) Accept
(B) Reject
(C) Join
(D) Sign

Answer: Join

Explanation: Join- to fasten or connect one thing to another Resign- to leave your job or position Reject- to refuse to accept somebody/something


(A) urgency
(B) drive
(C) delay
(D) pace

Answer: delay

Explanation: Delay- to make somebody/something slow or late Haste- speed in doing something, especially because you do not have enough time Urgency- state of requiring immediate attention or action Pace- the speed at which you walk, run, etc.


(A) dive
(B) duck
(C) rise
(D) fall

Answer: rise

Explanation: Rise- an increase in an amount, a number, or a level Plunge- to jump, drop or fall suddenly and with force Dive- to jump into the water with your arms and head first Duck- to move your head down quickly so that you are not seen or hit by somebody/something


(A) dangerous
(B) attractive
(C) awkward
(D) pretty

Answer: awkward

Explanation: Awkward- someone difficult to deal with Graceful- having a smooth, attractive movement Attractive- that pleases or interests you Pretty- attractive and pleasant to look at

Q22. Constant

(A) Unchanging
(B) Competent
(C) Fluctuating
(D) Static

Answer: Fluctuating

Explanation: Fluctuating- to change frequently from one thing to another Constant- something that does not change Competent- having the ability or skill needed for something Static- not moving, changing, or developing


(A) refreshment
(B) livelihood
(C) starvation
(D) nourishment

Answer: starvation

Explanation: Starvation : suffering or death because there is not enough food sustenance : the food and drink that people, animals and plants need in order to live and stay healthy refreshment :light food and drinks that are available at a cinema, theatre or other public places livelihood :the way that you earn money nourishment : to provide food, drink and daily care to someone


(A) Deceitful
(B) shrewd
(C) straight
(D) calculating

Answer: straight

Explanation: straight: with no bends or curves; going in one direction only Devious: clever but not honest or direct Deceitful: dishonest; trying to make somebody believe something that is not true shrewd: able to make good decisions because you understand a situation well calculating: planning things in a very careful way in order to achieve what you want, without considering other people So, Straight will be an antonym of Devious.


(A) stupidity
(B) youth
(C) stability
(D) Maturity

Answer: stupidity

Explanation: stupidity: the state of being silly or unwise. Wisdom: the ability to make sensible decisions and judgments because of your knowledge or experience. Stability: a situation in which something is not likely to move or change. Maturity: the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult. So, stupidity will be the most appropriate antonym of wisdom.

Q26. Weird

(A) Apparent
(B) Normal
(C) Abnormal
(D) Wide

Answer: Normal

Explanation: Normal Weird: strange and unusual that seems to be real or true but may not be. Abnormal: different from what is normal or usual, in a way that worries you or that is unpleasant.


(A) Annoyed
(B) Pleased
(C) Upset
(D) Peeved

Answer: Pleased

Explanation: INDIGNANT: shocked or angry Pleased: happy or satisfied about something Upset: to make somebody worry or feel unhappy Peeved : quite angry or annoyed

Q28. Harrowing

(A) Worrying
(B) Repetitive
(C) Pleasant
(D) Stressful

Answer: Pleasant

Explanation: Pleasant: nice, enjoyable Harrowing: making people feel very sad or upset Worrying: causing distress or worry or anxiety Repetitive: The same thing is repeated many times Stressful: causing worry and pressure So, pleasant will be the most appropriate ANTONYM of the given word Harrowing

Q29. Disheveled

(A) Untidy
(B) Cluttered
(C) Ordered
(D) Unkempt

Answer: Ordered

Explanation: Ordered (having elements arranged or identified according to a rule) Disheveled: very untidy/ unarranged type or disarrange Cluttered: to cover or fill something with lots of objects in an untidy way Untidy: not well arranged Unkempt: not neat and orderly. Ordered will be an antonym of the given word disheveled.

Q30. Accustomed

(A) Terrific
(B) Fabulous
(C) Ordinary
(D) Unusual

Answer: Unusual

Explanation: Unusual: not habitually or commonly occurring or done. Accustomed: familiar with something /often used or practiced Terrific: of great size, amount, or intensity. Fabulous: very good; excellent

Q31. Naive

(A) Simple
(B) Sophisticated
(C) Immature
(D) Unsuspicious

Answer: Sophisticated

Explanation: Sophisticated: having, revealing, or involving a great deal of worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture Naïve: showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement. Simple: easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty. Immature: not fully developed. Unsuspicious: not distrustful

Q32. Compel

(A) Induce
(B) Influence
(C) Dissuade
(D) Persuade

Answer: Dissuade

Explanation: Dissuade : to persuade somebody not to do something. Compel : to force somebody to do something. Induce :to make or persuade somebody to do something. Influence : the power to affect, change or control somebody/something. Persuade : to make somebody do something by giving him/her good reasons. Dissuade is the most appropriate antonym of the Compel.

Q33. Restrictive

(A) Thrifty
(B) Broad
(C) Liberal
(D) Closed

Answer: Liberal

Explanation: Liberal : accepting different opinions or kinds of behaviour; tolerant Restrictive: limiting; preventing people from doing what they want Thrifty :showing a careful use of money, especially by avoiding waste Broad : having ample extent from side to side or between limits Closed : not open; shut


(A) fail
(B) care
(C) omit
(D) trust

Answer: care

Explanation: care: looking after somebody/something so that he/she/it has what he/she/it needs for his/her/its health and protection. Neglect: to give too little or no attention or care to somebody/something Fail: to not be successful in something omit : to not include something; to leave something out trust :the belief that somebody is good, honest, sincere, etc. and will not try to harm or trick you


(A) excessive
(B) luxurious
(C) tiny
(D) frugal

Answer: frugal

Explanation: frugal : using only as much money or food as is necessary Lavish : giving or spending a large amount of money Excessive: too much; too great or extreme luxurious : very comfortable; full of expensive and beautiful things Tiny : very small


(A) aversion
(B) weakness
(C) inclination
(D) attraction

Answer: aversion

Explanation: aversion :a strong feeling of not liking somebody/something affinity : a close similarity between two things weakness : the state of being weak inclination : a feeling that makes somebody want to behave in a particular way attraction : a feeling of liking somebody/something


(A) weaken
(B) enlighten
(C) terrify
(D) confuse

Answer: enlighten

Explanation: Enlighten- give someone spiritual knowledge or insight. Bewilder- cause someone to become perplexed and confused. Weaken- make or become weaker in power, resolve, or physical strength. Terrify- cause to feel extreme fear. Confuse- make someone bewildered or perplexed.


(A) stability
(B) imbalance
(C) adherence
(D) coolness

Answer: imbalance

Explanation: Imbalance- not being equal Equilibrium- a state of balance Stability- the state or quality of being steady and not changing Adherence- the obeying of a rule or law Coolness- the quality or state of being cool


(A) violent
(B) cultured
(C) vicious
(D) brutal

Answer: cultured

Explanation: Cultured- well educated, showing good knowledge of art, music, literature, etc. Savage- very cruel or violent Violent- using physical strength to hurt or kill somebody, caused by this behaviour Vicious- done in order to hurt somebody/something Brutal- very cruel and/or violent

Q40. Friendly

(A) Amiable
(B) Zealous
(C) Hostile
(D) Upright

Answer: Hostile

Explanation: Hostile- having very strong feelings against somebody/something Friendly- behaving in a kind and open way Amiable- friendly and pleasant Zealous- using great energy and enthusiasm Upright- honest and responsible


(A) heroism
(B) strength
(C) cowardice
(D) courage

Answer: cowardice

Explanation: Cowardice- a lack of courage Bravery- actions that are brave Heroism- great courage Strength- the quality of being physically strong; Courage- the ability to control fear in a situation that may be dangerous or unpleasant

Q42. Clandestine

(A) Heavy
(B) Honest
(C) Dressed
(D) Opaque

Answer: Honest

Explanation: Honest- telling the truth Clandestine- secret and often not legal Heavy- weighing a lot Dressed- to put clothes on somebody or yourself Opaque- that you cannot see through

Q43. Drab

(A) Tiring
(B) Dry
(C) Boring
(D) Bright

Answer: Bright

Explanation: Bright- having a lot of light Drab- not interesting or attractive Tiring- making you want to rest or sleep Dry- without liquid in it or on it; not wet Boring- not at all interesting, dull


(A) abrupt
(B) soft
(C) connected
(D) sharp

Answer: connected

Explanation: Connected- to be joined to something Disjointed- not clearly connected and therefore difficult to follow Abrupt- sudden and unexpected Sharp- having a very thin but strong edge or point


(A) plentiful
(B) bulky
(C) partial
(D) vacant

Answer: partial

Explanation: Partial- not complete Complete- having or including all parts Plentiful- available in large amounts or numbers Bulky- large and heavy and therefore difficult to move or carry Vacant- not being used; empty


(A) distinguished
(B) ordinary
(C) vague
(D) common

Answer: distinguished

Explanation: Distinguished- important, successful, and respected by other people Nondescript- not having any interesting or unusual qualities Ordinary- normal, not unusual or different from others Vague- not clear or definite Common- happening or found often or in many places

Q47. Expunge

(A) Insert
(B) Deplete
(C) Exhaust
(D) Remove

Answer: Insert

Explanation: Insert- to put something into something or between two things Expunge- obliterate or remove completely (something unwanted or unpleasant). Deplete- to reduce the amount of something so that there is not much left Exhaust- to make somebody very tired Remove- to take somebody/something off or away

Q48. Uphold

(A) Support
(B) Maintain
(C) Endorse
(D) Oppose

Answer: Oppose

Explanation: Oppose- to disagree with somebody’s beliefs, actions or plans and to try to change or stop them Uphold- to support a decision, etc. especially when other people are against it Support- to help somebody by saying that you agree with him/her/it, and sometimes giving practical help such as money Maintain- to make something continue at the same level, standard, etc. Endorse- to say publicly that you give official support or agreement to a plan, statement, decision, etc.


(A) complacence
(B) attraction
(C) addiction
(D) disgust

Answer: attraction

Explanation: Repulsion – a feeling of intense distaste or disgust or dislike. Complacence – a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements. Addiction – the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance or activity. Disgust – to cause a strong feeling of not liking or approving of somebody

Q50. Lucid

(A) Clear
(B) Acidic
(C) Obvious
(D) Confusing

Answer: Confusing

Explanation: Lucid – expressed clearly; easy to understand. Acidic – (of a person’s remarks or tone) bitter or cutting. Obvious – easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent. Confusing – bewildering or perplexing; Not clear or understood

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