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Instruction: Select the most appropriate SYNONYM of the given word.
Q1. Reproach

(A) Indulge
(B) Berate
(C) Supervise
(D) Train

Answer: Berate

Explanation: b) Reproach -To blame somebody. Indulge-To allow yourself to have or do something for pleasure. Berate-To criticize or speak in an angry manner to someone. Supervise-To watch somebody/something to make sure that work is being done properly.

Q2. Idleness

(A) Energy
(B) Industry
(C) Cheerfulness
(D) Lethargy

Answer: Lethargy

Explanation: d) Idleness -Lethargy, laziness Cheerfulness-Happiness

Q3. Deteriorate

(A) Enliven
(B) Worsen
(C) Fasten
(D) Improve

Answer: Worsen

Explanation: b) Deteriorate- To become worse. Worsen to become worse or to make something worse Enliven -Make (something) more entertaining, interesting. Fasten-To fix or tie something to something.

Q4. Despondent

(A) Energetic
(B) Neutral
(C) Cheerful
(D) Depressed

Answer: Depressed

Explanation: d) Despondent-Without hope orExpecting no improvement. Energetic-Full of energy and enthusiasm. Cheerful- Full of joy or happiness. Depressed-to be unhappy and without hope or enthusiasm.

Q5. Trust (n)

(A) Safety
(B) Welfare
(C) Belief
(D) Ability

Answer: Belief

Explanation: c) Trust -the belief that somebody is good, sincere, honest, etc. and that he/she will not trick you or try to harm you. Safety-The state of being safe or secure. Welfare-The help and care that is given to people who have problems with health, money, etc. Belief-Something you accept as true. Ability-The mental or physical power or skill that makes it possible to do something.

Q6. Alluring

(A) Deceitful
(B) Distracting
(C) Cheating
(D) Attractive

Answer: Attractive

Explanation: d) Alluring-Attractive and exciting in a way that is not easy to understand or explain. Deceitful- Dishonest Distracting-To take somebody’s attention away from something. Cheating-To deceive somebody.

Q7. Surge

(A) Hygienic
(B) Clean
(C) Smooth
(D) Rush

Answer: Rush

Explanation: d) Surge -a sudden strong movement Hygienic- clean that is place from bacteria Clean-that is not dirty Smooth- without or less friction Rush- to do quickly

Q8. Cove

(A) Pit
(B) Hollow
(C) Bay
(D) Crater

Answer: Bay

Explanation: c) Cove-A small bay. Pit-A large hole in the ground. Crater-The round hole at the top of a volcano

Q9. Resilient

(A) Baseless
(B) Lazy
(C) Furious
(D) Supple

Answer: Supple

Explanation: d) Resilient-Strong enough to deal with change. Baseless-Not based on facts or good reasons. Furious-Very angry Supple- That bends or moves easily

Q10. Occur

(A) Hinder
(B) Hasten
(C) Happen
(D) Hamper

Answer: Happen

Explanation: c) Occur-to happen, especially in a way that has not been planned Hinder- to make it more difficult for somebody/something to do something. Hasten-to be quick to do or say something Happen- to take place, usually without being planned first.(of an event or situation) Hamper-To make something difficult.

Q11. Jovial

(A) Joyous
(B) Judgmental
(C) Jealous
(D) Jeering

Answer: Joyous

Explanation: a) Jovial -Happy and friendly (used about a person) Joyous- Happy or Full of joy Judgmental- tending to form opinions too quickly, esp. when disapproving of someone or something. Jealous-Feeling angry or sad because you want to be like somebody else or because you want what somebody else has. Jeering-The action of laughing or shouting insults at someone to show you have no respect for them.

Q12. Choosy

(A) Productive
(B) Frank
(C) Tricky
(D) Selective

Answer: Selective

Explanation: d) Choosy -use for making a choice. Productive-useful (because results come from it). Frank-showing thoughts and feelings clearly. Tricky-Likely to deceive people. Selective-Intentionally choosing some things and not others.

Q13. Kit

(A) Equipment
(B) Information
(C) Element
(D) Particle

Answer: Equipment

Explanation: a) Kit-A set of tools, equipment or clothes that you need for a particular purpose, sport or activity. Equipment-The things that are needed to do a particular activity. Information-knowledge or facts Element one important part of something Particle-A very small piece.

Q14. Anodyne

(A) Harmful
(B) Benign
(C) Hostile
(D) Gigantic

Answer: Benign

Explanation: b) Anodyne- drug that relieves pain Harmful -causing harm Benign- Pleasant and kind Hostile-Having very strong feelings against somebody/something Gigantic-Extremely big

Q15. Explicit

(A) Equivocal
(B) Lucid
(C) Unintelligible
(D) Compatible

Answer: Lucid

Explanation: b) Explicit- without any confusion, lucid, clear Equivocal-to have two opposite meanings, confusing or able to be understood in two different ways. Unintelligible- Impossible to understand Compatible-Suitable to be used together.

Q16. Instigate

(A) Stagnate
(B) Kindle
(C) Instill
(D) Imbibe

Answer: Kindle

Explanation: b) Instigate- to make something start to happen. Stagnate-to stop developing, changing or being active Kindle-to start a fire or to make something start to burn Instill-to make somebody think or feel something Imbibe -to absorb something, especially information or to drink something, especially alcoholic drinks.

Q17. Quarrelsome

(A) Querulous
(B) Ambiguous
(C) Pragmatic
(D) Opaque

Answer: Querulous

Explanation: a) Quarrelsome someone who always argues with the other people. Querulous- often complaining Ambiguous- Having more than one meaning Pragmatic-based on practical judgments rather than principles. OpaqueNot transparent

Q18. Adjustment

(A) Coordinating
(B) Balancing
(C) Compromising
(D) Cooperating

Answer: Balancing

Explanation: b) Adjustment-A state of being adjusted, A small change, The ability to become more familiar with a new situation. Coordinating-To organize different things or people so that they work together. Balancing-The process of equating one thing with another. Compromising-To accept less than you want or are aiming for, especially in order to reach an agreement. Cooperating-To work together or with somebody else to achieve something.

Q19. Tarnish

(A) Damage
(B) Appease
(C) Heighten
(D) Decorate

Answer: Damage

Explanation: a) Tarnish- damage or harm done to something. Damage-physical harm that impairs the value, usefulness, or normal function of something. Appease-assuage or satisfy (a demand or a feeling). Heighten-make (something) higher. Decorate-make (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it.

Q20. Pleasant

(A) Tedious
(B) Refreshing
(C) Exasperating
(D) Tiresome

Answer: Refreshing

Explanation: b) Pleasant-Giving a sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment Tedious -boring and lasting for a long time; tiresome or monotonous. Refreshing-serving to refresh or reinvigorate someone. Exasperating-intensely irritating and frustrating. Tiresome-causing one to feel bored or annoyed.

Q21. Penury

(A) Poverty
(B) Readability
(C) Compatibility
(D) Temporality

Answer: Poverty

Explanation: a) Penury-the state of being very poor (penury ,Destitution) Compatibility-a feeling of sympathy and friendship; like-mindedness. Temporality the state of existing within or having some relationship with time.

Q22. Festivity

(A) Calibration
(B) Foundation
(C) Botheration
(D) Celebration

Answer: Celebration

Explanation: d) Festivity-the celebration of something in a joyful and exuberant way. Calibration-to determine, check, or rectify Foundation-an underlying basis or principle. Botheration-worry, difficulty ,annoying Celebration-the action of celebrating an important day or event.

Q23. Obligatory

(A) Useless
(B) Mandatory
(C) Reckless
(D) Aggressive

Answer: Mandatory

Explanation: b) Mandatory- means required by law or mandate; compulsory. Obligatory means required by a legal, moral, or another rule; compulsory. (a) Useless-not fulfilling or not expected to achieve the intended purpose or desired outcome. (c) Reckless- heedless of danger or the consequences of one’s actions; rash or impetuous. (d) Aggressive -ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression.

Q24. Scintillating

(A) Flattering
(B) Glittering
(C) Stinging
(D) Boring

Answer: Glittering

Explanation: b) Glittering- shining with a shimmering or sparkling light. Scintillating- sparkling or shining brightly. (a) Flattering-full of praise and compliments. (c) Stinging-having a sting; (d) Boring -not interesting; tedious.

Q25. Pathetic

(A) Pitiful
(B) Dull
(C) Insignificant
(D) Curious

Answer: Pitiful

Explanation: a) Pitiful:-deserving or arousing pity. Pathetic:- arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness. (b) Dull- lacking interest or excitement. (c)Insignificant: too small or unimportant to be worth consideration. (d) Curious-eager to know or learn something.

Q26. Penitence

(A) Patience
(B) Repentance
(C) Misery
(D) Admiration

Answer: Repentance

Explanation: b) Repentance- the action of repenting; sincere regret or remorse. Penitence- the action of feeling or showing sorrow and regret for having done wrong; repentance. (a) Patience-the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious. (c) Misery- a state or feeling of great physical or mental distress or discomfort. (d) Admiration- respect and warm approval.

Q27. Glorious

(A) enormous
(B) gentle
(C) unusual
(D) splendid

Answer: splendid

Explanation: d) splendid- magnificent; very impressive Glorious- having, worthy of, or bringing fame or admiration. (a) enormous- very large in size, quantity, or extent. (b) gentle-moderate in action, effect, or degree; not strong or violent.

Q28. Implore

(A) Refuse
(B) Command
(C) Plead
(D) Honour

Answer: Plead

Explanation: c) Plead-make an emotional appeal. Implore-beg someone earnestly or desperately to do something. (a) Refuse-indicate or show that one is not willing to do something. (d) Honour-high respect; great esteem.

Q29. Revere

(A) Respect
(B) Condemn
(C) Enjoy
(D) Repeat

Answer: Respect

Explanation: a) Respect : a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something Revere : feel deep respect or admiration for (something). elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. (b) Condemn : express complete disapproval of; censure. (c) Enjoy : take delight or pleasure in (an activity or occasion). (d) Repeat: say again something one has already said.

Q30. Prevent

(A) Construct
(B) Allow
(C) Avert
(D) Provoke

Answer: Avert

Explanation: c) Avert-turn away (one’s eyes or thoughts). Prevent- keep (something) from happening. (a) Construct : build or make (something, typically a building, road, or machine). (b) Allow : let (someone) have or do something. (d) Provoke- stimulate or give rise to (a reaction or emotion, typically a strong or unwelcome one) in someone.

Q31. Acknowledgement

(A) Confusion
(B) Elimination
(C) Compensation
(D) Confirmation

Answer: Confirmation

Explanation: d) Confirmation- the action of confirming something or the state of being confirmed. Acknowledgement- acceptance of the truth or existence of something. (a) Confusion: uncertainty about what is happening, intended, or required. (b) Elimination- the complete removal or destruction of something. (c) Compensation- something, typically money, awarded to someone in recognition of loss, suffering, or injury.

Q32. Prodigal

(A) Trivial
(B) Humble
(C) Extravagant
(D) Arrogant

Answer: Extravagant

Explanation: c) Extravagant- lacking restraint in spending money or using resources. Prodigal spending money or using resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant. (a) Trivial-of little value or importance. (b) Humble: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance. (d) Arrogant: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance or abilities.

Q33. Fury

(A) Sin
(B) Risk
(C) anger
(D) crime

Answer: anger

Explanation: c) anger : a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Fury – wild or violent anger. (a) Sin : an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. (b) Risk : a situation involving exposure to danger. (d) crime : an action or omission which constitutes an offence and is punishable by law.

Q34. Solitary

(A) Singular
(B) Stubborn
(C) Splendid
(D) Sensible

Answer: Singular

Explanation: a) Singular : (of a word or form) denoting or referring to just one person or thing. Solitary : done or existing alone (b) Stubborn- having or showing dogged determination not to change one’s attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. (c) Splendid magnificent; very impressive. (d) Sensible : done or chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit.

Q35. Expensive

(A) Mild
(B) Sober
(C) Gentle
(D) Dear

Answer: Dear

Explanation: d) Dear expensive : costing a lot of money. (a) Mild : not severe, serious, or harsh. (b) Sober: not affected by alcohol; not drunk. (c) Gentle : having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character.

Q36. Retain

(A) Convoy
(B) Maintain
(C) Destroy
(D) Gain

Answer: Maintain

Explanation: b) Maintain : cause or enable (a condition or situation) to continue. Retain- continue to have (something); keep possession of. (a) Convoy- a group of ships or vehicles travelling together, typically one accompanied by armed troops, warships, or other vehicles for protection. (c) Destroy : end the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it. (d) Gain : obtain or secure (something wanted or desirable).

Q37. Erudite

(A) Fashionable
(B) Illiterate
(C) Strong
(D) Learned

Answer: Learned

Explanation: d) Erudite – having or showing great knowledge or learning. (a) Fashionable : characteristic of, influenced by, or representing a current popular style. (b) Illiterate- unable to read or write. (c) Strong : having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks. (d) Learned : (of a person) having acquired much knowledge through study.

Q38. Violent

(A) Kind
(B) Calm
(C) Mild
(D) Aggressive

Answer: Aggressive

Explanation: d) Aggressive : ready or likely to attack or confront; characterized by or resulting from aggression. Violent : using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something. (a) Kind : a group of people or things having similar characteristics. (b) Calm : not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions. (c) Mild : not severe, serious, or harsh.

Q39. Catastrophic

(A) Mysterious
(B) Delicate
(C) Disastrous
(D) Tough

Answer: Disastrous

Explanation: c) Disastrous-causing great damage. Catastrophic-involving or causing sudden great damage or suffering. (a) Mysterious-difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify. (b) Delicate-very fine in texture or structure (d) Tough- strong enough to withstand adverse conditions or rough handling.

Q40. Deficiency

(A) Abundance
(B) Efficiency
(C) Inadequacy
(D) Sufficiency

Answer: Inadequacy

Explanation: c) Inadequacy- lack of the quantity or quality required. Deficiency-a lack or shortage. (a) Abundance-a very large quantity of something. (b) Efficiency-the state or quality of being efficient. (d) Sufficiency-the condition or quality of being adequate or sufficient.

Q41. Preferred

(A) Compared
(B) Adored
(C) Feared
(D) Favoured

Answer: Favoured

Explanation: d)Favoured – preferred or recommended -Preferred-tend to choose/ submit a change for consideration. (a) Compared-estimate, measure, or note the similarity or dissimilarity between. (b) Adored-love and respect (someone) deeply. (c) Feared-be afraid of

Q42. Ovation

(A) Preparation
(B) Creation
(C) Applause
(D) Censure

Answer: Applause

Explanation: c) Applause -approval or praise expressed by clapping. Ovation-a sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause. (a) Preparation- the action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration. (b) Creation- the action or process of bringing something into existence (d) Censure- express severe disapproval of

Q43. Cordial

(A) cold
(B) rude
(C) warm
(D) hard

Answer: warm

Explanation: c) Cordial- warm and friendly

Q44. Disheartened

(A) disgraced
(B) depressed
(C) disgusted
(D) disliked

Answer: depressed

Explanation: b) depressed- in a state of unhappiness or despondency. Disheartened-having lost determination or confidence; (a) disgraced-having fallen from favour or a position of power or honour; discredited. (c) disgusted-feeling or expressing revulsion or strong disapproval.

Q45. Repercussion

(A) Rearrangement
(B) Recollection
(C) Reaction
(D) Reminder

Answer: Reaction

Explanation: c) Reaction-something done, felt, or thought in response to a situation or event. Repercussion- an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one. (b)Recollection-the action or faculty of remembering or recollecting something (d)Reminder-something that makes you remember something

Q46. Juvenile

(A) Mature
(B) Insane
(C) Wise
(D) Childish

Answer: Childish

Explanation: d) Childish-silly and immature. Juvenile- for or relating to young people. (a) Mature- fully developed physically; full-grown (b) Insane- in a state of mind which prevents normal perception, behaviour, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill. (c) Wise-having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement.

Q47. Sacred

(A) Precious
(B) Valued
(C) Holy
(D) Scarce

Answer: Holy

Explanation: c) Sacred-connected with God or a god or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration. (a) Precious-of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly. (b) Valued : considered to be important or beneficial; cherished. (c) Holy:dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred. (d) Scarce:(especially of food, money, or some other resource) insufficient for the demand.

Q48. Weary

(A) Restless
(B) Touchy
(C) Lively
(D) Exhausted

Answer: Exhausted

Explanation: d) Weary-feeling or showing extreme tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion. (a) Restless-unable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom. (b) Touchy:easily upset or offended; oversensitive. (c) Lively:full of life and energy; active and outgoing. (d) Exhausted :very tired.

Q49. Affluent

(A) Prosperous
(B) Prosperous
(C) Hostile
(D) Impoverished

Answer: Prosperous

Explanation: a) Prosperous-successful in material terms; flourishing financially. Affluent-having a great deal of money; wealthy (b) Authentic- genuine. (c) Hostile-showing or feeling opposition or dislike; unfriendly. (d) Impoverished-deprived of strength or vitality.

Q50. Accurate

(A) Erroneous
(B) Compact
(C) Precise
(D) Capable

Answer: Precise

Explanation: c) Precise-marked by exactness and accuracy of expression or detail.-Accurate (a) Erroneous- wrong; incorrect. (b) Compact-closely and neatly packed together; dense.

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