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Instructions :- First, read the answers to the questions carefully, then click the button below to take the Exam.

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Instruction: Select the most appropriate SYNONYM of the given word.
Q1. Temperate

(A) tentative
(B) moderate
(C) extreme
(D) temporary

Answer: moderate

Explanation: b)moderate Temperate- showing moderation or self-restraint. (a)tentative not certain or fixed; provisional. (c)extreme-reaching a high or the highest degree; very great (d)temporary- lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent

Q2. Defiance

(A) resistance
(B) pretence
(C) assistance
(D) deference

Answer: resistance

Explanation: a)resistance- the refusal to accept or comply with something. Defiance -open resistance; bold disobedience. (b)pretence-an attempt to make something that is not the case appear true. (c)assistance-the action of helping someone by sharing work (d)deference( polite submission and respect.

Q3. Reprimand

(A) reproach
(B) reward
(C) eradicate
(D) applaud

Answer: reproach

Explanation: a)reproach Reprimand -a formal expression of disapproval. (b)reward-a thing given in recognition of service, effort, or achievement (c)eradicate put to an end (d)applaud show approval or praise by clapping.

Q4. Sordid

(A) dirty
(B) solid
(C) clean
(D) pure

Answer: dirty

Explanation: a) dirty Sordid-dirty or squalid.

Q5. Resolute

(A) unsure
(B) determined
(C) uncertain
(D) hesitant

Answer: determined

Explanation: b) determined-having made a firm decision and being resolved not to change it. Resolute admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering. (a) unsure- not feeling, showing, or done with confidence and certainty. (c) uncertain- not able to be relied on; not known or definite. (d) hesitant-tentative, unsure, or slow in acting or speaking.

Q6. Intrepid

(A) gallant
(B) cowardly
(C) insecure
(D) invisible

Answer: gallant

Explanation: a) gallant- brave; heroic. Intrepid -fearless; adventurous (b) cowardly- lacking courage (c) insecure-not sufficiently protected; easily broken into. (d) invisible-unable to be seen

Q7. Pitfall

(A) haven
(B) retreat
(C) refuge
(D) hazard

Answer: hazard

Explanation: d) hazards danger or risk. Pitfall -a hidden or unsuspected danger or difficulty. (a) haven-a place of safety or refuge. (b) retreat -withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat. (c) refugee place or situation providing safety or shelter.

Q8. Vital

(A) trivial
(B) essential
(C) insignificant
(D) needless

Answer: essential

Explanation: b) essential Vital-absolutely necessary; essential. (a) trivial- of little value or importance. (d) needless)-(of something undesirable) not necessary because avoidable

Q9. Discover

(A) neglect
(B) find
(C) hide
(D) ignore

Answer: find

Explanation: b) find Discover- find unexpectedly or during a search. (a) neglect- not pay proper attention to; disregard. (d) ignore-fail to consider (something significant).

Q10. Ignominious

(A) wonderful
(B) disgraceful
(C) innocuous
(D) generous

Answer: disgraceful

Explanation: b) disgraceful- shockingly unacceptable. Ignominious-deserving or causing public disgrace or shame. -deserving or causing public disgrace or shame. (a) wonderful-inspiring delight, pleasure, or admiration; extremely good; marvellous. (c) innocuous- -not harmful or offensive. (d) generous- -showing kindness towards others.

Q11. Quest

(A) search
(B) path
(C) destination
(D) route

Answer: search

Explanation: a) search Quest- -a long or arduous search for something. (c)destination–the place to which someone or something is going or being sent.

Q12. Orthodox

(A) civilized
(B) habitual
(C) traditional
(D) deliberate

Answer: traditional

Explanation: c)traditional- Orthodox- -following the traditional rules of a religion, philosophy, or practice. (a)civilized-polite and well-mannered. (b)habitual -done constantly or as a habit. (d)deliberate–done consciously and intentionally.

Q13. Ideology

(A) contract
(B) belief
(C) mark
(D) recognition

Answer: belief

Explanation: b) belief Ideology-the set of beliefs characteristic of a social group or individual. (a) contract -a written or spoken agreement (d) recognition-formal acknowledgement Or identification of someone /something

Q14. Meddle

(A) manage
(B) interfere
(C) repair
(D) elaborate

Answer: interfere

Explanation: b) interfere Meddle( -interfere in something that is not one’s concern. (a) manage-be in charge of (a business, organization, or undertaking); run (c) repair-restore (something damaged, faulty, or worn) to a good condition (d) elaborate- lengthy and exaggerated

Q15. Anomalous

(A) indirect
(B) common
(C) unhealthy
(D) peculiar

Answer: peculiar

Explanation: d) peculiar-strange/particular; special. Anomalous–deviating from what is standard, normal, or expected. (a) indirect-not directly caused by or resulting from something. (b) common-occurring, found, or done often; prevalent (c) unhealthy- not having or showing good health.

Q16. Fleeting

(A) complete
(B) momentary
(C) ready
(D) lasting

Answer: momentary

Explanation: b) momentary- -lasting for a very short time; brief. Fleeting -lasting for a very short time. (d) lasting( enduring or able to endure over a long period of time.

Q17. Identical

(A) similar
(B) legible
(C) detailed
(D) perfect

Answer: similar

Explanation: a) similar Identical-similar in every detail; exactly alike (b) legible-clear enough to read. (c) detailed- having many details or facts; showing attention to detail. (d) perfect-free from any flaw or defect in condition or quality; faultless

Q18. Ostentatious

(A) distinct
(B) complete
(C) flashy
(D) trusted

Answer: flashy

Explanation: c)flashy-ostentatiously attractive or impressive. Ostentatious-showy; designed to impress. (a) distinct-recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type. (d) trusted-believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of.

Q19. Recapitulation

(A) summary
(B) movement
(C) prominence
(D) readiness

Answer: summary

Explanation: a) Recapitulation- -an act or instance of summarizing (b) movement- -a change or development. (c) prominence) -the state of being important, famous, or noticeable. (d) readiness- -the state of being fully prepared for something.

Q20. Radiance

(A) depth
(B) dryness
(C) sparkle
(D) redness

Answer: sparkle

Explanation: c) Radiance- -a glowing quality of the skin, especially as indicative of good health or youth. (a) depth-the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something. (b) dryness- -absence or lack of moisture or liquid. (d) redness) -the quality or state of being red or reddish.

Q21. Wary

(A) rash
(B) inattentive
(C) lax
(D) alert

Answer: alert

Explanation: d) Wary -feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems. (a) rash- -acting or done without carefulness (b) inattentive- -not paying attention to something. (c) lax) -not sufficiently strict, severe, or careful.

Q22. Recede

(A) increase
(B) intensify
(C) waver
(D) wane

Answer: wane

Explanation: d) Recede -go or move back or further away from a previous position. (a) increase((b) intensify- -become or make it more intense. (c) waver) -move in a quivering way; flicker.

Q23. Accurate

(A) real
(B) sincere
(C) precise
(D) Genuine

Answer: precise

Explanation: c) Accurate- -correct in all details; exact. (b) sincere- -genuine feelings. (d) Genuine- -truly what something is said to be; authentic.

Q24. Dedication

(A) contentment
(B) trepidation
(C) determinatio
(D) commitment

Answer: commitment

Explanation: d) commitment- -the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. Dedication- -the quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose. (a) contentment- -a state of happiness and satisfaction (b) trepidation) -a feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen. (c) determination– the quality of being determined; firmness of purpose.

Q25. Miniature

(A) diminutive
(B) mammoth
(C) colossal
(D) gigantic

Answer: diminutive

Explanation: a) diminutive– extremely or unusually small. Miniature- -very small of its kind. (b) mammoth-huge. (c) colossal – extremely large or great. (d) gigantic–of very great size or extent; huge or enormous

Q26. Camouflage

(A) exhibit
(B) disguise
(C) divulge
(D) expose

Answer: disguise

Explanation: b) disguise Camouflage- the disguising of military personnel, equipment, and installations by painting or covering them to make them blend in with their surroundings. (a) exhibit–publicly display (c) divulge- -make known (d) expose-make (something) visible by uncovering it.

Q27. Climax

(A) preface
(B) epilogue
(C) culmination
(D) prologue

Answer: culmination

Explanation: c) culmination -the highest or climactic point of something Climax -the most exciting, or important point of something; the culmination. (a) preface -an introduction to a book, typically stating its subject, scope, or aims. (b) epilogue -a section or speech at the end of a book (d) prologue- preface

Q28. Manual

(A) dictionary
(B) thesaurus
(C) directory
(D) handbook

Answer: handbook

Explanation: d) handbook- a book giving information such as facts on a particular subject or instructions for operating a machine Manual( -a handbook giving instructions or information. (a) dictionary-a reference book on a particular subject, the items of which are typically arranged in alphabetical order. (b) thesaurus( a book that lists words in groups of synonyms and related concepts. (c) directorya book or website listing individuals or organizations alphabetically or thematically with details such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Q29. Coerce

(A) enchant
(B) pressurize
(C) cajole
(D) leave

Answer: pressurize

Explanation: b) pressurize Coerce-persuade (an unwilling person) to do something by using force or threats. (a) enchant-fill (someone) with great delight; charm. (c) cajole -persuade (someone) to do something by sustained coaxing or flattery. (d) leave- go away from

Q30. Chronic

(A) ordinary
(B) persistent
(C) common
(D) temporary

Answer: persistent

Explanation: b) persistent Chronic means -persisting for a long time or constantly recurring (a) ordinary-with no special or distinctive features; normal. (d) temporary -lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent.

Q31. Garrulous

(A) guttural
(B) throaty
(C) concise
(D) talkative

Answer: talkative

Explanation: d) talkative Garrulous means-excessively talkative(a) guttural -produced in the throat; harsh-sounding (b) throaty- deep and husky (c) concise- brief but comprehensive

Q32. Tilt

(A) slant
(B) straighten
(C) cross
(D) support

Answer: slant

Explanation: a) slant-slope or lean in a particular direction; diverge or cause to diverge from the vertical or horizontal Tilt-slant- (b) straighten-make or become straight

Q33. Inept

(A) capable
(B) fit
(C) strong
(D) clumsy

Answer: clumsy

Explanation: d) clumsy-lacking social skills; tactless Inept means- clumsy -having or showing no skill; (a) capable -having the ability, fitness, or quality necessary to do or achieve a specified thing.

Q34. Inarticulate

(A) fluent
(B) inevitable
(C) eloquent
(D) incoherent

Answer: incoherent

Explanation: d) incoherent-expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear Inarticulate means- unable to express one’s ideas or feelings clearly or easily./not clearly expressed or pronounced. Incoherent) means expressed in an incomprehensible or confusing way; unclear. (a) fluent) -able to express oneself easily and articulately. (b) inevitable -certain to happen; unavoidable. (c) eloquent-fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

Q35. Indelible

(A) Illegal
(B) Illegible
(C) Inerasable
(D) Ineffective

Answer: Inerasable

Explanation: c) Inerasable-incapable of being erased Indelible means-(of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed. (a) Illegal-contrary to or forbidden by law, especially criminal law. (b) Illegible not clear enough to be read. (d) Ineffective-not producing any significant or desired effect.

Q36. Triumph

(A) Fight
(B) Victory
(C) Attack
(D) Peace

Answer: Victory

Explanation: b) Victory-an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition Triumph means a great victory or achievement

Q37. Entice

(A) ensue
(B) entail
(C) enrage
(D) entrap

Answer: entrap

Explanation: d) entrap-catch in or as in a trap Entice means -attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage. (a) ensue -happen or occur afterwards or as a result. (b) entail -involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence. (c) enrage- make (someone) very angry

Q38. Dubious

(A) certain
(B) fishy
(C) loyal
(D) steady

Answer: fishy

Explanation: b) fishy means arousing feelings of doubt or suspicion. Dubious means -hesitating or doubting (a) certain- able to be firmly relied on to happen or be the case. (c) loyal -giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution. (d) steady- firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving

Q39. Drag

(A) rush
(B) pull
(C) push
(D) rest

Answer: pull

Explanation: b) pull-to use force to move somebody/something towards yourself Drag- to pull somebody/something along with difficulty (a) rush means move with urgent haste (c) use force to move somebody/something forward or away from you (d) rest-to relax, sleep or stop after a period of activity or because of illness

Q40. Engulf

(A) encroach
(B) enshrine
(C) entangle
(D) envelop

Answer: envelop

Explanation: d) envelope means -wrap up, cover, or surround completely. Engulf means-sweep over (something) so as to surround or cover it completely. (a) encroach-to use more of something than you should (b) enshrine-place (a revered or precious object) in an appropriate receptacle (c) entangle(cause to become twisted together with or caught in)

Q41. Lethal

(A) harmless
(B) healthy
(C) fatal
(D) strong

Answer: fatal

Explanation: c) fatal(sufficient to cause death.) Lethal means fatal(a) harmless-not able or likely to cause harm (b) healthy-in a good physical or mental condition; in good health (d) strong-having the power to move heavy weights or perform other physically demanding tasks

Q42. Prevalent

(A) unusual
(B) common
(C) rare
(D) different

Answer: common

Explanation: b) common-occurring, found, or done often; prevalent Prevalent means -widespread in a particular area or at a particular time. (a) unusual- not habitually or commonly occurring or done (c) rare-(of an event, situation, or condition) not occurring very often (d) different-not the same as another or each other; unlike in nature, form, or quality

Q43. Rampant

(A) excessive
(B) limited
(C) rare
(D) gentle

Answer: excessive

Explanation: a) excessive-more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate Rampant means-flourishing or spreading unchecked (b) limited- restricted in size, amount, or extent; few, small, or shor (d) gentle-having or showing a mild, kind, or tender temperament or character.

Q44. Exempt

(A) hinder
(B) exclude
(C) reduce
(D) prevent

Answer: exclude

Explanation: b) exclude Exempt means-free from an obligation or liability imposed on others. (a) hinder-make it difficult for (someone) to do something or for (something) to happen. (c) reduce- make smaller or less in amount, degree, or size (d) prevent-keep (something) from happening

Q45. Reticent

(A) silent
(B) garrulous
(C) extrovert
(D) confident

Answer: silent

Explanation: a) silent-not making or accompanied by any sound Reticent means-. ( not revealing one’s thoughts or feelings readily) (b) garrulous-excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters (c) extrovert- outgoing, socially confident person

Q46. Fury

(A) sorrow
(B) anger
(C) cruelty
(D) fright

Answer: anger

Explanation: b) anger-a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. Fury- wild anger (a) sorrow-a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others (c) cruelty-cruel behaviour or attitudes (d) fright-a sudden intense feeling of fear

Q47. Precarious

(A) abundant
(B) dangerous
(C) valuable
(D) premature

Answer: dangerous

Explanation: b) dangerous-able or likely to cause harm or injury Precarious means not secure- (a)abundant- existing or available in large quantities; plentiful. (c) valuable- worth a great deal of money (d) premature- occurring or done before the usual or proper time; too early.

Q48. Sterile

(A) pure
(B) productive
(C) barren
(D) sordid

Answer: barren

Explanation: c) barren- (of a tree or plant) not producing fruit or seed Sterile means-(of a plant) not able to produce fruit or seeds/ barren (b) productive-producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities (d) sordid-involving immoral or dishonourable actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.

Q49. Pensive

(A) spontaneous
(B) spiteful
(C) reflective
(D) tragic

Answer: reflective

Explanation: c) reflective-relating to or characterized by deep thought; thoughtful. PENSIVE-engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought. (a)spontaneous-performed or occurring as a result of a sudden impulse or inclination and without premeditation or external stimulus. (b) spiteful-showing or caused by malice. (d) tragic-causing or characterized by extreme distress or sorrow.

Q50. Vindictive

(A) watchful
(B) revengeful
(C) forceful
(D) helpful

Answer: revengeful

Explanation: b) revengeful-eager for revenge. Vindictive-having or showing a strong or unreasoning desire for revenge (a) watchful-watching someone or something closely; alert and vigilant. (c) forceful-strong and assertive; vigorous and powerful.

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