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Discover the top 100 multiple choice questions on Universe Geography and test your knowledge with a free practice exam. This essential MCQ guide covers key concepts on galaxies, stars, planets and more.

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Universe Geography: Top 100 MCQ With Free Exam Geography SET:-4

Q1. Which of the following is called “Blue Planet” ?

(A) Saturn
(B) Earth
(C) Jupiter
(D) Mars

Q2. “Sirius”, the brightest star outside of the Solar System, is also called __.

(A) Cat star
(B) Dog star
(C) Fox star
(D) Lion star

Q3. The radiant energy of the sun is transmitted in the form of __
Q4. Halley’s comet appears once in a period of __

(A) 24 years
(B) 32 years
(C) 76 years
(D) 84 years

Q5. Milky Way Galaxy was first seen by

(A) Galileo
(B) Martin Schmidt
(C) Marconi
(D) Newton

Q6. Which of the following is indicated by the colour of a star ?

(A) Weight
(B) Distance
(C) Temperature
(D) Size

Q7. Messenger satellite has been launched by NASA for the study of

(A) Mercury
(B) Venus
(C) Saturn
(D) Jupiter

Q8. A black hole is a __

(A) Contracted star with intense gravitational pull
(B) Star with very low surface temperature
(C) Star with no atmosphere
(D) Pulsating star

Q9. In order of their distances from the Sun, which of the following planets lie between Mars and Uranus ?

(A) Earth and Jupiter
(B) Jupiter and Saturn
(C) Saturn and Earth
(D) Saturn and Neptune

Q10. Which planet is known as the ‘Watery Planet’ ?

(A) Mercury
(B) Earth
(C) Mars
(D) Jupiter

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